Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Electronic Flyer

Now we are past the beginning stages of Fresh Brewed, past the grand opening, and entering a new phase with our business and our blog. Where do we go from here? During the first 3 weeks since our grand opening, we have experienced a rush of customers: committed coffee drinkers, college students, business people, and even the curious. In the process we have gathered hundreds of names and email addresses. Whereas most businesses like to hand out flyers and coupons, Fresh Brewed takes the approach that electronic advertising is always better. So what do we use in the place of the copy and print shop? Twitter!

By linking to your customers on Twitter, you can send out messages that will bring your them in. For example- your peak hours of business are at 8am and 3pm. You want to target the late afternoon time when caffeine is usually avoided. You send out a message on Twitter, “Come in this week between 6&9pm for a free decaf or hot tea. Mention code FREBRE901.” Through Twitter customers can be made aware that Fresh Brewed isn’t just about caffeine and coffee. By adding Twitter to your Blog, you can expand the feeling of connection with customers in a lot less time than designing and printing a flyer, and, even more importantly- Twitter is free!


  1. It has been so fun learning how to blog! Thanks for all the information you are sharing.

  2. I think that you have chosen a great way to approach your blog. Keep up the great job!

  3. Good job on your blog, I feel this information will be of great help in the future.

  4. Thanks for the useful information. This would be very useful to a small business.

  5. I figured it would only be a matter of time before twitter became a major source of spam.

    Well, even more major than it is now.

    Methinks that when twitter mailboxes become full of spam, that will be the end of twitter.

    Be nice if I am wrong....
