Saturday, September 12, 2009

Know Your Business
Plan Ahead
Be Relative

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Scheduling a Post

For an simple how-to on posting in advance  Click Here

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

There is a lot to be said about Google’s social interactive capabilities. Applying the tools that Google makes available for free can assist businesses on every level, from the CEO to the secretary.  Although the web connection certainly makes communication flow, online communities- particularly Facebook, should be carefully evaluated before using them for business.

In its earliest stages, Facebook was meant to be a way to find people. Whereas this is still its purpose, Facebook does not regulate public access to potentially sensitive documents. Even with your Facebook set to private, the possibility of an unintended release of private information does exist. While you may be able to avoid such an incident, there is no guarantee.

In the case of Fresh Brewed, Larry Latte’ is a fictitious character whose public display of “personal” information will pose no harm to the business or owners. The best advice that The Blogger’s Blog can give is to check it out, stay informed, and when in doubt- leave it out!

Until next time, I bid you blissful blogging!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Now that we have our business going, blog rolling, our tweets posting (those aren’t cuckoo’s in your head!), what can we add to our social network to help our business expand further? The answer: Facebook!

Meet Larry Latte’: Big fellow, typical Southern guy, with a secret passion for- you guessed it! Latte’s! Larry does not want to reveal his true identity, for fear of being razzed at work. Of course behind the scenes, Larry Latte’ is not one but three people who are part of the Fresh Brewed Blogging Team.  This team has agreed on Larry’s character and update the blog together. Since “ Larry Latte’” reeks of fictional character, the team has created a Facebook account to give depth to the guy. Check out this link to meet Larry.

By adding a link to Facebook on your blog, you can create a fictional character and make them “real.” Larry Latte’ adds dimension to your social network, allowing for creative expression in your blog.

Tweeting your Blog

Now that we have spoken on the value of adding Twitter to your business, let’s talk specifics on how to make the two connect.

We’ve had a very successful quarter at our little café. We now have a collection of regular customers, some we have gotten through our Tweets. What we’d like to do is to increase customer awareness of our products and to get some feedback as to what they’d like in a coffee shop. First on our list is to schedule regular Tweets to go out advertising our blog. Here is a how to video that will tell you more.

Next, we need to set up our blog for customer interaction. Here’s one really easy way- Simply post a question such as,

Good morning, my fellow bean-heads! It’s always coffee time here at Fresh Brewed, and there are some awesome deals brewing just for you! Our featured product this week is a mocha latte’ with a twist- of peppermint that is! Just mention that you read it on the blog- and it is FREE! Just tell them Larry sent you. Now that’s hot!!

Hey- while you’re here- What Fresh Brewed products have you tried lately? What would you like to see in the café? Oh, and don’t forget to take the poll on the left side of the page!


Larry Latte’
Finally, be sure to update your blog regularly. A blog is meant to be socially interactive. You cannot interact if your readers aren’t interested in coming back. Updates can be planned in advance, allowing you to create your posts for the next month or so, then walk away to let Blogger do the rest. By connecting your blog with Twitter, you can generate more activity on your blog, which translates into brand recognition, product awareness, customer community, and improved profits.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Electronic Flyer

Now we are past the beginning stages of Fresh Brewed, past the grand opening, and entering a new phase with our business and our blog. Where do we go from here? During the first 3 weeks since our grand opening, we have experienced a rush of customers: committed coffee drinkers, college students, business people, and even the curious. In the process we have gathered hundreds of names and email addresses. Whereas most businesses like to hand out flyers and coupons, Fresh Brewed takes the approach that electronic advertising is always better. So what do we use in the place of the copy and print shop? Twitter!

By linking to your customers on Twitter, you can send out messages that will bring your them in. For example- your peak hours of business are at 8am and 3pm. You want to target the late afternoon time when caffeine is usually avoided. You send out a message on Twitter, “Come in this week between 6&9pm for a free decaf or hot tea. Mention code FREBRE901.” Through Twitter customers can be made aware that Fresh Brewed isn’t just about caffeine and coffee. By adding Twitter to your Blog, you can expand the feeling of connection with customers in a lot less time than designing and printing a flyer, and, even more importantly- Twitter is free!